Monday, August 29, 2011

Anime Event on September 2011 in Malaysia...

Gomenasai, Hountoni Gomenasai... Because of I am too busy doing work...
I had not been posting in my Blog for, I think 4 weeks or should I say one Month?...
So, now I had a few days off for Holiday...I rather should write something...
And I had been noticed that there are so many Event these September...
I had to put it here for all Anime Fans out there to get to know where and
when the Event will be held...
Here are the list of the Event...

GANTZ 2 movie
At a GSC / Cathay cinema near you

Japanese Pop Anime & Culture (JPAC) Festival
Sept 2011 (TBA)

The Japanese Film Festival 2011
In Sept 2011 (TBA)
GSC Cinemas

Sundays, 4th Sept, 11th Sept & 18th Sept
Time: 3pm
T-HOP 6th Floor, Sungei Wang
For more info, email the organizers Ms Yee Wen – or call 03-9285 7375
Reference Link:

Time: 10am – 7pm
Venue: Sunway University
Event Page:

Malaysia International Toy Fair 2011
Date: Friday,Saturday and Sunday 9 - 11 Sept 2011 Venue: Hall 1&2 Mid Valley Exhibition & Convention Centre

Date: Friday, 16th Sept 2011
Time: 8pm
Venue: LASALLE College of The Arts, The Singapore Airlines Theatre, SINGAPORE
Duration: Aprrox 2 hours
Ticket Sales & Internet Sales opent: 10am, 12 July 2011
Ticket Price: S$90 & S$75
More info on event & ticketing go to the SISTIC Website...

So sorry I had not been posting for these whole Month, I think...

Okay, So I hope I can see you all at the Event I had posted up there
except the SCANDAL Concert at Singapore...
The schedule that had made me go Crazy for a while...
Because, I love to go to Scandal Concert at Singapore, because I love Scandal...
But, because of the tight schedule, plus my Economic Problem...(no budget)...
Makes me so sad...Or else...I will be there, at Singapore
to see my favorite Band...
Thanks for surfing and reading my blog for today...
I will post it more, all about Anime Manga Games Cosplay and Anime Figurine...
These week...All thanks to God...Bless me and all Cosplayer and Otaku...

I will post the New Anime I had been watching these Week...
Here's the photo of it...The title?... Himitsu desu...It's a Secret...
If you want to know more?...Please do visit my blog these week...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yumekui Merry Review...

Sorry Mina for not posting for two whole Week...
I had work to do nowadays...So busy and I didn't stand a chance
to watch Anime for sometimes...

Okay,these week review is about Yumekui Merry...
Or in English, Dream Eater Merry...

The Story is about Fujiwara who Ten Years ago had noticed that he
had a power to see multicolored auras surrounding the person's body...

He use his hand likes a telescope to see a person's aura...Then he can predict
a person's dream...Good Dream's or even Nightmare...
Ever since then, he's been having a weird dream about him being chased
by a group of Cats...He can feels it like real when he injured in that dream...
One day, a mysterious girl falls on top of him...

This Girl is actually lost her memory, but one things she do remember is fighting a Muma...
And send the Muma back to their place called Dream World...
Muma is a Dream Dweller that want to get to live in Human World by trying to get
Body of Human as a Case...They need the Human body to dwell in Human World...
The one who tried to get Fujiwara's body is called Chaser John Dowe...

These is John Chaser Dowe (first Photo) and with his Troop of Cats...Kawaii Neko...
Fujiwara stay with his friend named Isana Tachibana and her Oto san (Father)...
Her Family name sure near my Name...Hahaha...She sure are Cute...
Merry is sure are good in Fighting...She had fight with Chaser John Dowe but draw
in a fight...Merry sure got speed and Agility in her moves...

For me, I will give these Anime 4 out of 5 Points...
The Opening song sure are good, and it got good Fighting scene...
The graphic too is good...It got some cute scene and do have Mizugi scene
that sure will be Eye Catching for some Anime Fans...Don't mention Pervert okay?...
Hahaha...The Character in these Anime Series sure looks Good too...
Even though there are not much character in these Series...

ps: I had made Merry's Hat but it is not big like in the Anime...huhuhu...

Cutest Character in these Series, Kounagi Yui...I love her very much...